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A Beginner’s Guide to Poker

Poker is a card game of betting and raising, usually played by two or more people. During the game players make and lose hands, and each player’s goal is to extract the most value from their winning hands and minimise losses from their losing ones. This is called ‘min-max’ or aiming to “minimise losses – maximise winnings”.

The game’s popularity exploded in the 1990s as tournaments were televised and movies like Rounders (Matt Damon) elevated it into popular culture. Since then, the number of poker games and variations has continued to grow.

At the beginning of a hand, players must place forced bets (known as an ante or blind bet). After the cards are shuffled and cut by the dealer, the first of what may be several betting rounds begins. During each betting round, the players’ hands develop and bets are placed into what is known as The Pot. The winner of the pot is the player who has the best hand.

One of the key elements in making poker interesting is the by-play between players. The nuances of a player’s body language, the flinches and smiles are what makes the game intriguing. The more information you have about your opponents the better. Knowing what their tells are can help you figure out whether they have a good or bad hand. This is also true for the other players at your table.