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The History of Poker


The bluffing and misdirection spirit that makes Poker so fun is the basis of its game. Its history is both mythical and real. The first version of Poker, a 17th century French game called poque, is the most likely source of the word. This game evolved into German pochen and a modified primero. It was also brought to North America by French settlers. Regardless of its exact origins, Poker continues to be one of the most popular card games worldwide.

The main type of poker is Texas Hold’Em, which is also known as Omaha. The game begins with the player making an ante, or buy-in, bet, usually a small amount of money, such as $5 or $1. After each player has placed his or her ante, the dealer will deal cards one at a time. Then, the players make decisions on whether to bet, fold, check, or raise their bet.

The highest hand in Poker is a full house, which consists of three of the same rank plus one of a different suit. A straight flush, meanwhile, is a hand with five cards of the same suit. Another hand, a royal flush, is a set of three Aces and a Jack of Spades. In a tie, the player with the highest hand wins. This is why Poker is so popular. The best hand doesn’t always win.